Recreational fishing
Gotland, with its 80 km long coastline, has a lot to offer anyone interested in sporting and recreational fishing.
If you plan to fish on Gotland, you need to be aware of the applicable rules and regulations. You are personally responsible for checking local rules on for example minimum catch size, catch limits and the use of private waters, as well as off-limit areas such as the mouths of some rivers/streams. Some types of fishing may be prohibited in the entire county of Gotland. There are also areas where access is prohibited during certain seasons or periods of the year, i.e. bird sanctuaries and military training areas.
Only people who own the fishing rights to lakes and streams (private waters) are permitted to fish there, though in some cases they can transfer the fishing rights by issuing fishing permits or other agreements. In private coastal waters, all Swedish citizens are permitted to fish with hand-held tackle (rods), long lines, nets and sand-eel seine according to the limitations listed below. All Swedish citizens are permitted to fish with mobile gear at sea.
When fishing with nets, long-lines and hoop (fyke) nets a maximum of six tackles is allowed at the same time. Foreigners with permanent resident status in Sweden are regarded as having the same legal status as Swedish citizens in terms of fishing in public waters and according to the free fishing regulations. All foreign citizens have the same rights as Swedish citizens regarding fishing with handheld tackle with a line and hook. Foreign citizens who wish to fish with other types of tackle than handheld tackle, e.g. nets, must obtain special permits.
A person with private fishing rights in coastal waters is permitted to fish with both mobile and fixed gear. Fixed gear includes fixed bottom nets (traditionally used for eel-fishing) and other fishing gear that are fixed on the bottom or on shore and intended to be left for more than two days.
The basic rules of the Right of Public Access always apply: show consideration, don't disturb, and don't destroy.
- Show respect for nature. Always leave the fishing site the way you would personally like to find it. It is up to us to pass on the privilege of fishing in a living environment to future generations.
- Respect people’s privacy. Do not fish in the near proximity of other people's homes or near public or private bathing sites. You may occasionally use private jetties after consulting with the land owner, providing it does not adjoin to the grounds of a house. and don't use private jetties.
- If more than one person wants to fish in a specific area, the one who first arrive at the site has priority. Fishing may not be conducted closer than 100 meters from stationary fishing equipment without permission.
- Respect the zone of privacy around a residence. Do not fish less than 100 metres from private jetties, boathouses or near a bathing area.
- Never leave used fishing lines or hooks behind; they are hazardous for birds and other animals.
- Restrain from fishing near the off-limit areas during the periods of restriction. A map showing the areas with restrictions can be found on page 8.
- Fish are to be measured from the tip of the snout to the outer-most point of the tail fin.
- Never catch more fish than you and your friends and/or family can eat. Immediately kill any fish that you have caught and plan to keep.
- Carefully release any fish that you cannot or do not want to keep, and do not handle fish with dry hands, it can cause damage to its mucus layer.
When fishing in private waters along the coast, fishermen, other than those owning private fishing rights, are only permitted to use the following equipment:
Handheld tackle
Handheld tackle consists of fishing rods, jiggers and similar mobile gear that is equipped with a line containing no more than 10 hooks. Equipment as such must not involve the use of a boat, e.g. trolling, nor still fishing.
Longline fishing
A longline may be equipped with a maximum of 100 hooks. Fishing with a long line is only allowed in waters deeper than 20 metres.
Nets and Sand-eel seine
Nets and sand-eel seine up to a maximum length of 180 metres are classified as mobile gear, provided they are not intended to be left in anyone place for more than 48 hours (applies also to public waters). The gear restrictions do not apply to the holder of the fishing rights who fish within the terms of their individual permit. Neither does it apply to licensed commercial fishermen.
Please observe that hoop (fyke) nets are not permitted in private waters and therefore recreational fishing with hoop nets is illegal. However, individuals with private fishing rights are permitted to use hoop nets.
Marking of fishing gear
Gear used for fishing shall be marked clearly with the owner's or user's contact information. The marking shall be clearly visible without having to lift the gear from the water. No marking is required for handheld rod fishing equipment or equipment which is always on your person.
Sea trout
There are 25 different areas around Gotland where fishing is prohibited to protect the breeding sites of sea trout. No fishing is allowed in these areas at the mouth of 34 different waterways between September 1 and January 31. Fishing is prohibited in the actual waterways between October 1 and December 31.
In addition, a catch limit of one wild sea trout per day applies, when fishing with rods or hoop (fyke) net on wild sea trout above the minimum size of 50 cm. Farmed sea trout are not subject to the catch limit and can be recognized by its lack of adipose fins. However, the minimum size of 50 cm also applies to farmed sea trout
Pike and perch
Pike and perch are protected in the coastal waters (up to 4 nautical miles from land) around Gotland during the period March 1 to May 31. Fishing for pike during the rest of the year with handheld tackle (rod) is restricted to a bag limit of three pike per fisherman per day. Fishermen are only allowed to keep catches of pike measuring between 40 and 75 cm.
Whitefish are protected around the entire coast of Gotland during the period November 1 - December 15.
There is a fishing ban in place for flounder around the entire coast of Gotland from February 15 - May 15.
Minimum sizes | |
Salmon | 60 cm |
Sea trout | 50 cm |
Pike | 40-75 cm |
Turbot | 30 cm |
Flounder | 21 cm |
Cod | 38 cm |
The whole of Gotland County has been decided as a protection area for the noble crayfish,
This means that on Gotland is prohibited to:
- market, sell, buy or transport uncooked crayfish that does not come from the area
- fish used in the area's fresh water as baitfish if it has been caught in fresh water outside the area
- in the area's freshwater without previous disinfection use fishing gear, boats, machines and other objects has been used in freshwater outside protection area and
- plant signal crayfish.
Fishing gear, boats, machines and other objects must be desinfected before use in any of Gotland's fresh waters. One of the following methodes must be applied:
- Washing or submerging items in denatured alcohol (3-parts alcohol: 1-part water). Trapping equipment (crayfish cages etc.) should be submerged for at least 30 minutes.
- Spraying boats and canoes with denatured alcohol using a shower hose after all water has been emptied.
- Freezing of items at -10°C for at least 24 hours.
- Boiling of items for at least 5 minutes, with the lid on and items completely submerged.
- Washing using a pressure washer with water at least 80°C or by steam.
Fishing in lakes and streams is not permitted without the consent of the land owner.
If a permit is available for the area in question it is required, otherwise the person who holds the fishing rights for the area can grant permission.
A fishing permit allows the holder to fish in the section of the waterway from the road bridge on road 146 and downstream to the Gothem streams’ mouth. The end reference point is the straight line created between the two headlands of the mouth. This stretch of the stream measures at 1,3 km and fishing is allowed in the area all year round.
Day pass: 50 kr
Weekly pass for a family: 100 kr
Annual pass (365 days): 300 kr (also available to families)
A fishing permit for Gothemån/Åminne is available to purchase at: Länk till annan webbplats..
Children and youths under the age of 19 are allowed to fish for free by downloading the Junior fishing permit which is available at: Länk till annan webbplats..
Lojsta lakes are located on the south of Gotland and it is the association of Lojstaträsk who issues the fishing permits to the four lakes in the Lojsta area in which you may fish.
A boat is available to hire.
Contact information
Magnus Ekström: 070-605 59 18. Fishing permit.
Pia Hederstedt: 073-720 57 20, 070-707 57 40. Boats, kayaks/canoes, accommodation and fishing permit.
Christer Ardgren: 070-680 83 58. Boats and fishing permit.
Fishing is allowed with a permit in the southernmost part of Närsån. The part of the stream which is included in the fishing permit is 2,4 km long and starts by the Gangvide farm and ends at the mouth of the stream. Signs showing the fishing area can be found on site. The fishing permit must be on hand during the entire stay. A fishing permit is personal and any fishing without a permit is regarded as an offence.
Day pass: 50 kr
Weekly pass for a family: 100 kr
Annual pass (365 days) : 300 kr
Free for children under the age of 15 when accompanied by a paying adult.
Fishing permits can be purchased at any of the following places:
• Jaktia Visby, Follingboväg 78
• ICA När Bodi, När
• Gangvide Farm, När Gangvide 503
Payment can also be made via Swish to: 073 184 09 22.
Please add your name och type of fishing permit you would like to purchase. Proof of payment is considered enough evidence of having a permit.
More information available at: Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster. (in Swedish only)
Fishing is not allowed in Paviken and in Västergarnsån which runs downstream towards the country road out of Paviken.
The fishing permit for the stream (Västergarnsån) applies to the area between the bridge on the country road and the small foot bridge just before the harbour.
Day pass: 50 kr
Annual pass: 300 kr
Pay with Swish: 123 395 7552. Please add your name och type of fishing permit you would like to purchase. Proof of payment is considered enough evidence of having a permit.
Contact information
Bengt Wickman: 070-357 60 12
More information available at: Länk till annan webbplats. (in Swedish only)
Click on the arrow to expand and se a map showing where in each area there are fishing restrictions during
September 1 - January 31.





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Halsegårdaån/Hugreifsån/Gartarveån/Bane å



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Snoder å


