Current weather warnings inGävleborgs länRight now, there are several warning messages in the county. Read more about them on SMHI's website.

To appeal decisions under the Planning and Building Act

Do you want to appeal a decision under the Planning and Building Act? You have three weeks to file your appeal.

Municipal decisions under the Planning and Building Act, PBL, may be appealed by the concerned party/parties. For example, a decision concerning a building permit, a site improvement permit or a demolition permit may be appealed by neighbours as well as other concerned parties.

The appeal must be filed to the municipality no later than three weeks after the decision was announced. The appeal must include statements explaining why the decision needs to be altered and explaining why you consider yourself affected by the decision.

This is how the examination is carried out

  1. First, the municipality assesses if the appeal was filed in time. The appeal is thereafter sent to the County Administrative Board.
  2. The County Administrative Board’s legal staff handles the case. Case officers, with special knowledge of the field, may participate in the handling of some cases.
  3. The County Administrative Board makes a decision and notifies concerned parties and the Municipality about their decision.

If you are not satisfied with the decision, you may appeal to the Land and Environment Court. The appeal is filed to the County Administrative Board, who assesses if the appeal was filed in time before handing the appeal over to the Court.


County Administrative Board of Gävleborg County

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Per Bill


Borgmästarplan 2, Gävle


801 70 Gävle



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