Vehicle scrappage

Do you wish to set up an undertaking engaged in vehicle scrappage? If you do, you will need to apply for authorisation from the County Administrative Board.

The county administrative board will decide on authorisation for vehicle scrappage undertakings. Authorisation is a form of permit. If you apply for authorisation, we will check that your business meets the legal requirements imposed on vehicle scrappage undertakings.

The e-services and forms of the County Administrative Board in this field are not available in English. If you wish to submit an application or notification, you may contact the County Administrative Board, which can inform you how to proceed.

Application fee

The application fee is SEK 3 300. You must first pay the application fee before we start processing your application.

What must I send with my application?

  • A registration certificate from the Swedish Companies Registration Office (Bolagsverket) if the person applying for authorisation is a legal person. The registration certificate must not be older than two months.
  • In the case of a sole trader, a certificate is required to show that the applicant is not in a state of bankruptcy (certificate of no bankruptcy). You will obtain the certificate from the Swedish Companies Registration Office.
  • In the case of a sole trader, a certificate is required to show that the applicant does not have administrators (certificate of no administrators). You will obtain the certificate from the public trust office (överförmyndaren) in the municipality.
  • Name and personal identity number of the person or persons who are to issue advice of receipt and the scrappage certificate. In the case of these persons, a certificate of no bankruptcy and certificate of no administrators must also be sent.
  • A decision from the municipality concerning notification in accordance the regulation on environmentally hazardous activities and health protection.
  • A copy of an approved building permit relating to the business, including a map.
  • Information on how the final scrappage is to take place. A copy of an agreement with the shredder must also be sent.

Do you wish to renew your authorisation?

Your authorisation is temporary. If you wish to renew your authorisation, you do as you would in the case of a new application, namely send the necessary documents and pay a new application fee.

