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Apply for a permit for competition or exhibition on a road

If you would like to arrange a competition or exhibition on a road, you need to apply for a permit. Your application must be sent no later than 4 months before the competition or exhibition.

You need to pay a fee before the County Administrative Board will start the processing of your application.

  • The fee for competitions on a road in one county is SEK 2,900.
  • The fee for competitions on a road affecting several counties is SEK 7,100.

Exhibitions on a road are free.

Please notice that you may also need other permits, for example from the Swedish Transport Administration, the Police or the municipality.

Information you need to fill out the application

Please have this information available before you begin your application:

  • what type of application it is - competition with motor vehicles, competition with bicycles or exhibition of vehicles
  • the name, address and contact information to the organiser
  • the name and contact information to the head of the competition or contact person
  • name of the competition or exhibition
  • dates and times for start and finish
  • form, starting method and competition status if it is a competition
  • estimated number of participating vehicles, estimated number of functionaries, estimated audience number
  • start and finish locations, number of special routes and times for closure of special routes
  • description of routes and which municipalities the competition or exhibition goes within
  • need for cordons and similar measures, special traffic rules or measures according to the Road Sign Ordinance
  • if exceptions from regulations on the maximum permissible speed are requested
  • if the competition or exhibition includes private or public roads
  • if parking or similar is needed.

If your applications concerns a competition with motor vehicles, you also need to state

  • how inspections will be carried out and information about the person who is responsible for the inspection of participating vehicles.

Documents you need to attach

You need to attach the following documents:

  • information on safety organisation, sickness and accident preparedness
  • a detailed map for each route
  • an overview map that contains special, orientation and transport routes. It is possible to use a map function in the service for the overview map.

If private roads are affected you also need to attach:

  • consent from the owner of the private road
  • information on property owners, residents or right-of-use holders and any consent, and suggestions for alternative routes or a plan for how these should be given the possibility to reach their destination.

Information about our e-services

You do not need to log in to use this e-service, but the form that you have begun to fill out will disappear after three hours. That is why we recommend that you always log in so you can take the breaks you need before you send your errand to us.

Log in to My pages External link.

You log in with your e-identification. We support BankID, mobile BankID, Freja eID+ and Telia e-identification (in some e-services, exceptions may occur). You can log in to either My Pages or in the e-service. Your account on My Pages is activated the first time you log in.

Log in to My pages External link.

If you log in as a representative for a foundation or a security company, you will have access to your organisation's pages. You will be able to see the forms that you or anyone else in your organisation has sent to the Country Administrative Board from your organisation.

You can save your form if you log in to My Pages and continue to fill out the form later.

Log in with your e-identification before you begin filling out the form and save before you close it. You will be able to access the form on My Pages. It will be saved for 14 days from the time you last worked on it.

Log in to My pages External link.

The approved file formats are: pdf, tif, tiff, jpeg, jpg, doc, docx and excel (in some e-services, exceptions may occur). You are maximum allowed to upload 10 files.

The County Administrative Board processes personal data within several different areas of operations. Personal data should be handled according to laws and regulations to protect your integrity. You can find information about how the Country Administrative Board processes personal data, which rights you have and how to contact us for more information on this page:

How we process your personal data

Contact us

Do you have any questions about an area of operations, an individual matter, or content and information in the form? Please contact the County Administrative Board that is responsible for that matter.

You can find contact information to all County Administrative Boards on this page:

Contact us

Do you need technical assistance with our e-services or how to access My Pages? Please find contact information for questions and support on this page:

Help when using e-services