Climate investment aid
Do you have an idea that could help reduce society's climate impact? If you do, you have the possibility to apply for many different types of economic support, one of which is investment aid from the Climate Leap initiative (Klimatklivet).
Investment aid from the Climate Leap initiative
The Climate Leap is an investment aid for local and regional investment measures to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide and other gases which affect the climate. Other desired effects are promotion of new technology, early market deployment, better public health, improved employment levels as well as positive effects on other environmental objectives than "Reduced climate impact". Measures which help reduce emissions of greenhouse gases from agriculture are a priority.
When can you apply?
The application period for fast-track projects is open from January 17 to 24, 2025.
This applies to projects that can be completed by August 31 and finalized with a final report by September 30, 2025.
Announcements for hydrogen refueling stations along prioritized roads: The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency is currently evaluating whether additional application rounds should be held. Any new dates will be published once a decision has been made.
The e-services and forms of the County Administrative Board in this field are not available in English. If you wish to submit an application or notification, you may contact the County Administrative Board, which can inform you how to proceed.
Who can apply?
The Climate Leap initiative can be applied for by a wide range of organisations including, amongst others, companies, regions, municipalities, municipal companies, associations and foundations. Note that farmers can apply for aid, but private individuals cannot.
What can you be granted aid for?
Measures that have previously received aid are tangible climate measures within, for example, the transport sector, industry, housing and other buildings, urban planning and energy. Aid can be granted for investments ranging from transport, biogas production, infrastructure such as cycle paths, to investments for the destruction of nitrous oxide as well as district heating to replace oil.
The measures for which you apply must be locally or regionally based and in line with the county's climate and energy strategy. Measures which help reduce emissions of greenhouse gases from agriculture are a priority. It is no longer possible to apply for aid from the Climate Leap for costs related to information campaigns.
Examples of measures for which you can apply for investment aid:
- Phasing out of fossil fuels.
- Use of residual heat.
- Construction of refuelling stations for renewable fuels, such as biogas.
- Construction of facilities to increase biogas recovery or production.
- Reducing emissions of methane or nitrous dioxide.
- Installation of public charging stations for electric vehicles.
- Purchase of heavy-duty vehicles or machinery under 15 kW.
Examples of measures within agriculture:
- Changing to renewable energy sources for heating.
- Biochar based heating systems.
- Production of biogas from manure.
- Changing to electric agricultural machines and pumps for irrigation and manure.
- Electricity production from biogas (electricity from biogas produced via anaerobic digestion that is used for electricity production in stationary generators. Other forms of electricity production for example, solar and wind, are not covered within the Climate Leap initiative).
Criteria for receiving aid
The applications are assessed primarily on the climate effectiveness of the measures. Climate effectiveness means the total reduction in emissions during the measure's lifetime, divided by the cost of the investment. Other important criteria, amongst others, are:
- The measure must not be profitable without aid.
- The measure must not be intended to reduce emissions within the system of emissions trading, except in regards to the use of residual heat.
- The measure must not be related to electricity production, except in the case of electricity production from biogas in a stationary generator.
This last point, regarding electricity production, means that aid from the Climate Leap initiative does not cover solar panels.
Remember that you must have received a decision regarding your application before you commence work with your proposed measure. The measure needs to be completed, at the latest, by spring 2026.
The Climate Leap initiative, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (in Swedish) External link.
Summary of project and investment aid
Are you interested in knowing more about the different sources of financing available for energy and climate related projects in Sweden? There are numerous sources of financing which are in turn processed by a number of different government authorities, regional authorities and programme offices. The County Administration Board's Energy and Climate Coordination group (LEKS) has created a summary of this information intended for those interested in contributing to the transition towards a green economy.
Sustainable regional growth, LEKS (in Swedish) External link.
Charging stations for organisations and housing associations
This aid is intended for organisations that want to install charging stations intended for employees or residents.
Charging the car on, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (in Swedish) External link.
Charging boxes for private individuals on their own property
As a private individual you can apply for a tax reduction related to installation of an electric vehicle charging box.
About the tax reduction for green technology, The Swedish Tax Agency (in Swedish) External link.
The tax reduction replaces the previous Government grant which private individuals could apply for in relation to the installation of a charging box for electric vehicles.