Current weather warnings inJämtlands länRight now there are several weather warnings in the county. Read more about them on SMHI's website.


Hällristningarna i Glösa, Alsen.

Cultural environment

Culturally valuable buildings, environments and ancient monuments provide both cultural experiences and knowledge of our county.

En person ritar ett hus på en skärm.

Planning and building

Each municipality is responsible for ensuring that the planning of its land and water areas takes nature, culture, the environment and climate into consideration.

A house that has sunken down i a lake.

Crisis preparedness

Information on societal issues that affect businesses, such as money laundering and how to appeal decisions under the Planning and Building Act.

Närbild av en svart och vit persons händer i ett handslag.

Social sustainability

The County Administrative Board’s mission to promote social sustainability entails numerous undertakings. The social issues addressed include integration, gender equality and human rights.


Marita Ljung


Residensgränd 7


831 86 Östersund



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