The effects of veteranisation of Quercus robur after eight years
During the summer of 2020, 18 of the 20 sites included in the international veteranisation trial were visited with the purpose of monitoring the impact of veteranisation on the trees. A variety of parameters were recorded for all trees, including control trees. The 16 Swedish sites were also visited in May of 2020 to monitor the use of the woodpecker holes and nestboxes by breeding birds. The frequencies and differences of various responses of trees to the treatments were statistically analysed and are presented in this report. Under sommaren 2020 besöktes 18 av 20 undersökningsområden som ingår i den internationella uppföljningen av veteraniserade träd. Syftet med uppföljningen var att undersöka vilken effekt veteraniseringsåtgärder har haft på träden.

Om publikationen
- Publiceringsår:
- 2021
- Publikationstyp:
- Rapport
- Hotade arter
- Natur
- Skyddad natur