Objective 2 Västra - Support for economic and social conversion
Objective 2 Västra is a Swedish area receiving support through the EU Structural Funds, which are intended to reduce the economic imbalance between regions within the EU. Objective 2 Västra includes 34 municipalities in the counties of Värmland, Västra Götaland and Örebro. The EU support is intended to help to find new means of economic sustenance and to improve the prerequisites for long-term sustainable economic development. The Structural Fund Delegation (the decision-making group of Objective 2 Västra) makes decisions regarding EU support and for the period 2000 up to and including 2006 it has some EUR129.45 million to allocate to various projects.
Om publikationen
- Publiceringsår:
- 2005
- Publikationstyp:
- Broschyr/folder
- Föreningar
- Företagsstöd
- Näringsliv