Reconstructing Ecosystem dynamics, Fire History and long-term anthropogenic impact at Långhultamyren Nature Reserve, Halland, Southwest Sweden
Långhultamyren in the province of Halland in SW Sweden is a protected national nature reserve wetland complex of 823 hectares. It is included in Natura 2000 and the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands. Based on palaeoecological evidence, several phases of changes in the vegetation community are documented from c. 7700 years ago which are the outcome of a combination of anthropogenic use and a varying climate through time. Early forests surrounding the wetland were diverse and with a larger proportion of temperate trees – Quercus, Ulmus, Tilia, Corylus, Betula, Carpinus, Fraxinus, Acer, Populus, Salix, Sorbus and Frangula. Trees (Betula, Salix, Pinus, Alnus) and shrubs (Calluna) were growing on the wetland surface until at least 2500 years ago, but there have always been some open areas.
Om publikationen
- Publiceringsår:
- 2023
- Publikationstyp:
- Rapport
- Natur
- Skyddad natur