Risk and vulnerability analysis
The County Administrative Board continuously carry out regional risk and vulnerability analyses. The purpose is to identify and analyze threats and risks that can lead to difficult societal strain.
The whole purpose of a risk and vulnerability analysis is to decrease societal vulnerability and increase the preparedness to be able to handle potential crises. The knowledge regarding the county's risks is increased through our work, which makes us more prepared to handle a crises if it should happen.
All public authorities, regions and municipalities work with risk and vulnerability analyses. Together, we are all contributing to builiding a more robust and resiliant society.
What is a risk and vulnerability analysis?
The purpose of working with risk and vulnerability is identifying and analysing threats and risks that can lead to difficult strains for society. For example forest fires and earthquakes, or pandemic outbreaks or chemical spills. The security policy situation in Sweden has changed, which means that we now also must plan for a situation with hightened preparedness and, in the extreme case, war.
Within crisis preparedness, we work to ensure that society continues to work in crisis situations. There are several examples of operations that are especially important for society to work, so called Vital Societal Functions that always need to function. Energy supply and healthcare are examples of areas that have operations that must always function. Businesses can be made more resilient and society becomes more robust by working preventively with crisis preparedness, risk and security,
Furthermore, the work with risk and vulnerability analysis is about analyzing the ability of society to handle different types of social distruptions. With the help of the analysis, we can get an idea of which vulnerabilities and deficiencies exist related to the threats and risks that have been identified.
In the presentation of the risk and vulnerability analysis, action proposals are also presented with the aim of reducing the threats and risks that exist and thus strengthening the county's crisis preparedness.
What does the County Administrative Board do?
Every other year, the County Administrative Board, must present a regional risk and vulnerability analysis to The Government Offices (Regeringskansliet) and the Swedish Civil Contigencies Agency (MSB). The analysis must highlight risks and vulnerabilities, partly in our geographicly areas of responsibility (the county), and partly within our own operation.
Our mission also includes collecting the municipalities' risk and vulnerability analyses and using these appropriately for the regional risk and vulnerability analysis work.