My pages
Here you can find information about My pages, the Organisation’s pages and what you can do when you are logged in.
On your My pages you can see which previous matters you’ve submitted through our e-services. Here, you can also choose to save your ongoing work on an e-service and continue at another time.
Log in
You log in with your e-identification. We support BankID, mobile BankID, Freja eID+ and Telia e‑identification.
The first time you log in
If it’s the first time you are using My pages, you need to create a personal profile where you fill out your contact information. If you choose to fill out an e‑mail address, you can receive messages via e‑mail when you have saved information in an e‑service.
Save an e-service and continue on later
If you want to save your work and continue later, you need to be logged into My pages before you start using it. The information you have filled out will be saved for 14 days since the last time you used the e‑service. This applies whether it’s the first or later time you are filling out the e‑service.
When you are logged in to My pages, you can see when you last saved the e-service and the latest time you must complete and submit it at the latest.
The Organisation’s pages
If you represent a foundation or a security company, you can use the Organisation's pages, which you can find under My pages. You can see e-services you have saved but not yet submitted. Only you can see these e‑services.
As logged in, you can also see all e‑services that you or another representative of your Organisation has submitted to the County Administrative Board.