Current weather warnings inDalarnas länRight now, there are several warning messages in the county. Read more about them on SMHI's website.

Environmentally hazardous activities

Environmentally hazardous activities include any use of land, buildings or facilities which may impact human health or the environment. Rules for environmentally hazardous activities are set out in the Environmental Code.

If you wish to start, run or alter certain environmentally hazardous activities, you need to apply for a permit or file a report.

Environmentally hazardous activities are divided into three different types


C-activities usually have a relatively minor environmental impact. Examples of C-activities include agricultural facilities without animals, petrol stations and hospitals. C-activities must be reported to the municipality.


B-activities include, e.g., sewage treatment plants, quarries, wind farms, agricultural facilities with animal husbandry, and many industrial plants. Applications for permits for these facilities are evaluated by the County Administrative Board’s Environmental Assessment Delegation.


A-activities usually have an extensive environmental impact, e.g., paper industries, large energy plants and oil refineries. Applications for A-activity permits are processed by the Land and Environment Courts.

In the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance, you can read about whether your facility is an A-, B- or C-activity.

Examples of environmentally hazardous activities that require a permit

Environmentally hazardous activities may, e.g., include

  • waste facilities, such as landfills
  • sewage treatment plants
  • rock, gravel and peat extraction
  • biogas plants
  • depots
  • agricultural facilities involving animal husbandry
  • ports
  • industries, such as food industries
  • medium-sized and large combustion plants
  • wind farms.


County Administrative Board of Dalarna County

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